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Rounddetails for Round ID '10281'
Axis Axis Team Points


Axis Allies Team Points


No. Name Kills/Deaths Ratio
1 Ra1Dz>BlackBird 16  19 
No. Name Kills/Deaths Ratio
1 Ra1Dz -> CJ 48  18 
2 Ra1dz->woOrm 9  4 
Players who did not finish the round
No. Name Kills/Deaths Ratio No. Name Kills/Deaths Ratio
1 FF.UREC 36  11 
2 B$pD||Gamechamp 11  27 
3 Ra1Dz-> N4pst3r 6  2 
4 Farina00 2  3 
5 UrfinJazz 2  2 
6 -=AxoN=- 1  5 
7 30 1  11 
8 =[E-S]=Details 0  0 
9 0  0 
10 befidokefir 0  3 
Round Awards
Most Kills
Ra1Dz -> CJ
Kills: 48
Most Deaths
Deaths: 27
Round Summary
Played Map Showdown
Gametype Team Deathmatch
Date/Time played at 2008-09-26 19:15:10
Played 00:20:52


Chatlog of this Round

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